Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mt Jefferson July 5th & 6th

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Went up the SW Ridge of Jeff over the July Holidays with Linday Clunes (left) of CMRU and Iain Morris right) of PMR.

Weather started out crummy on 7/5. Cloudy and misty all day. The good thing was that it kept the temperature cool.

We set-up a bivy at 7,800 feet and just as the sun was going down, the weather cleared.

Video view from Bivy the morning of 7-6-08 - still in my sleeping bag.

The next morning we got up at 5:30am and headed up the SW ridge. (The snow-filled gully 3,000 feet below is the Milk Creek drainage that we went up last June)

Had a great time and great views.

Got back to the truck at 4:30pm exhausted and headed home.

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